Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome to Our Blog!

Hello! This is my first blogging experience, so please bear with me.  You will more than likely see several format, font, and even color changes in the next few posts, but it's just me learning and adjusting as I go along.

The purpose of my blog is to provide you with as much information as possible about bedding, linens, with maybe even a little home decorating thrown in too. Many of my vendors provide me with tons of information about their products that I feel is important to pass along to you, the consumer.  Occasionally, posts might be something that I saw somewhere and thought would be good to share.  If ever posts are coming from another source, you can bet that I will absolutely give credit where credit is due.  I'm not here to claim anyone else's tricks of the trade; just want to provide you with as much helpful information as I possibly can.  Some posts will be things you may already know, some may be things you've always been curious about but never thought to ask, and some may be things you never thought of before, but hopefully you will find them all both interesting and useful. Keep in mind, I'm always open for suggestions on topics.  So, if there's ever a question you're dying to ask or something that you heard somewhere and want to know if it's true, or if you're looking for tips or advice-please don't hesitate to ask; that's what I'm here for.  You can either post a comment after one of my blog posts or you can send a private email to  If yours is a topic I think would be good to share, I will ask if you mind my posting both your question and my response on here to share with others who may have been wondering the same thing.

So, welcome to Random Reveries!  I hope you continue to read and enjoy my posts from here on out.  Thanks for checking me out and (please) wish me luck!